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 We need more voices shouting in the desert,

more are coming to inhabit forgotten land,

the desert shortens 

and suddenly you realise

people are coming...

coming out of  the slumber,

spiritually awakening

from a nightmare 

they are living without choice...

That is the turning point,

the enlightment,

when we realise we all have a choice,

and I mean, all...

We don't need to submit

like well behaved puppies...

"Seat!", and we seat,

"Jump!", and we never dare to say

"How high?!"

Let's get rid of fear,

fear of death ?!

The only sure thing we are born with ?!

Is this what is all about ?!

Or is it pure manipulation ?!

it's easy to persuade a whole nation

to condone genocides

as if it's an heroic act...

black people, indian people, witches and sorcerers,

jews, arabs, gays, 

all evil properly justified,

by "God" even, 

"in the name of God" ... Who dares ?!

Who decided who is the "winner" ?!

and at what price ?!

our souls?! our hearts?!

our guilt and sleepless nights ?!

Who will shout for those trapped in their own net?

We all make our choices...

And it is about listening, 

or hardening the ear...

After a while you stop listening all together,

and you just obey, blindly,

thinking you are the best,

the richest, the most successful and powerful,

and at what expense ?

we all make our choices,

and it doesn't mean they don't have consequences...


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