So much separation... is it really necessary ? Tanta Separação... será mesmo necessário? Here´s a reflection, or reaction, I wrote recently... Aqui vai uma reflexão, ou reacção, que escrevi recentemente... Peço desde já as minhas desculpas por ser em português e inglês, mas por vezes é assim que saí da minha mente bilingue... I apologize in advance the fact that is in both english (my second language) and portuguese... I know it´s weird, but that's how it came out of my bilingual mind... ( 7 Dez 2021) "-Remember Mary, aunt Betty? Not an easy life that one had! " She knew her son was different, when others did not, and she kept it all inside her heart... He was full of Love for the outcasts, the needy and the poor, yet there were always complaints... he was not following the rules, and he was exposing social systemic problems no one wanted to address... he was not following the proper jewish law, neither he was following the Roman law... healing on a saturd...
o destino não é tão importante como o caminho que traçamos...nem como nele caminhamos dia a dia... .................................. destiny is not as important as the way that leads to it... nor how we walk in it day by day...